
Label (English) New Label
[100300] Cash flow statement, direct and [100400] Cash flow statement, indirect
Income taxes (paid) refund "Income taxes paid (refund)"
Income taxes (paid) refund, classified as operating activities Income taxes paid (refund), classified as investing activities
Income taxes (paid) refund, classified as investing activities Income taxes paid (refund), classified as financing activities
Income taxes (paid) refund, classified as financing activities Income taxes paid (refund), classified as financing activities
[200100] Notes - Share capital
Aggregate number of fully paid-up shares issued pursuant to contracts without payment being received in cash Aggregate number of fully paid-up shares issued pursuant to contracts without payment being received in cash during last five years Disclosure of classes of share capital [Line Items]
Aggregate number of fully paid-up shares issued by way of bonus shares Aggregate number of fully paid-up shares issued by way of bonus shares during last five years Disclosure of classes of share capital [Line Items]
Aggregate number of shares bought back Aggregate number of shares bought back during last five years Disclosure of classes of share capital [Line Items]
[200500] Notes - Current investments
Nature of non-current investment made in body corporate Number of shares of non-current investment made in body corporate
Nature of current investment made in body corporate Number of shares of current investment made in body corporate
[201900] Notes - Income taxes
Deferred tax asset, fixed assets depreciation Deferred tax asset, depreciation
[300500] Notes - Subclassification and notes on income and expenses
Interest and income tax refund Interest on income tax refund
Remuneration to managers [Abstract] Remuneration to manager [Abstract]
Salary to managers Salary to manager
Commission to managers Commission to manager
Other benefits to managers Other benefits to manager
Total remuneration to managers Total remuneration to manager
[400400] Disclosures - Directors report
Description of nature of related party relationship Nature of related party relationship Details of contracts/arrangements/transactions not at arm's length basis [Line Items]
Description of nature of related party relationship Nature of related party relationship Details of material contracts/arrangements/transactions at arm's length basis [Line Items]


 Label (English)
Other accrued expenses
Write-off assets liabilities [Abstract]
Liabilities written off
Cost information technology [Abstract]
Total cost information technology
Cost reimbursable expenses
Cost software
Cost hardware
Cost communication connectivity
Disclosure of physical verification of inventories at fixed intervals
Disclosure of procedure followed for physical verification of inventories
Disclosure about maintenance of inventory records and material discrepancies
Disclosure in auditors report relating to internal control system
Disclosure relating to amount required to be transferred to investor education and protection fund
Disclosure in auditors report relating to accumulated losses
Disclosure in auditors report relating to guarantee given
Disclosure in auditors report relating to term loans used for purpose other than for purpose they were raised
Disclosure in auditors report relating to any material fraud reported during period


Director or his relative New
Key managerial personnel or his relative New
Firm in which director, manager or his relative is a partner New
Private company in which a director or manager or his relative is a member or director New
Public company in which a director or manager is a director and holds along with his relatives, more than two per cent of its paid-up share capital New
Body corporate whose Board of Directors, managing director or manager is accustomed to act in accordance with the advice, directions or instructions of a director or manager New
Person on whose advice, directions or instructions a director or manager is accustomed to act New
Holding company Existing
Subsidiary company Existing
Associate company Name changed
Fellow Subsidiary company Existing
Director other than an independent director or key managerial personnel of the holding company or his relative with reference to a company New